Thursday, November 1, 2007


Hey Ronton,

So Samhain, or All Hallow's, is supposed to be that time out of the year during which the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead are at their most fragile, and the spirits of those who've passed can come a-wandering. I don't know why you'd be one of them, since you were obviously champing at the bit to get the hell out of here, but just in case: I wanted you to know that I was thinking of you, and that I miss you and love you still.

Funny story: I thought I saw you earlier this semester. I was at the Java House (a cozy little coffee place here in Iowa City, Iowa [I KNOW, okay, but you can go hug your cacti, AZ-boy]) with a few of my friends, facing the window, and I could've sworn I saw you walk by.
I just sat and stared until he passed out of view, fighting the urge to run out after you!him. I don't think any of my friends noticed. He had your dark hair (slicked back like yours [so much gel, boy]), your pale skin tone, your jaw line, but he kept his face turned away so I couldn't see his eyes. Would he have had yours?

But that's happened to me a few times--seeing people who weren't there, I mean. This was just the first time that the person in question really was dead. I suspect that some faulty wiring in my brain causes it to occasionally regurgitate old memories, confusing my eyes into thinking that they're seeing said old image anew, or something like that. Anyway. Whether or not that was just a neuro-hiccup, it was nice seeing you.

Bye, babe. See you on the flip side. ;)

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