Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Strange angles

Honestly, I've never read Watchmen or Swamp Thing. I bloody well own V for Vendetta but have yet to peruse it. I have never finished From Hell, and have read no further than the very first volume of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I've only read a few volumes of Hellblazer, and anyway, none of those were written by Alan Moore. But the man had a lot of influence on Neil Gaiman, and I've read pretty much everything of his that I could get my hands on, and there are very few people in the world I respect more. So traces of the blatant hero-worship I have of Gaiman are transferred to Mr. Moore, which is why, when I stumbled across this YouTube video, I actually watched it.

"Alan Moore is a writer and magician from Northampton. He's a stranger to hairdressers and worships his very own gods in his very own way, blurring the lines between religious belief, magic, and the power of the creative imagination. If you film him from strange angles, you can make him look very sinister."
Stewart Lee cannot help but make a potshot at our president, but then, Lee is English and Bush is eminently mockable. Unfortunately this clip cuts short just as Lee begins to address some serious concerns about religion in government and schools today.

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